Our Founders

Long-time activists and experts in various fields

There are three departments in the Association that operate separately, but complement each other
in achieving the goals, mission and vision of the organization:

Research and analysis

Some of our current activities in this area cover the following topics:

  1. Research on the effects of inflation on poverty in North Macedonia
  2. The impact of the electricity increase on the citizens at risk from poverty
  3. Analysis of the effects and sustainability of the social reform 2019

Едукација и еманципација

We are focused on improving the knowledge and skills of young leaders, especially young and progressive girls and women, to manage processes and make policies

  1. Academy of Public Policy

Social innovation

Through our Department of Social Innovation and Development of Fair Public Policies we aim to implement projects such as

Иницијатива “Конструктивни политики“

Граѓанска ревизија чија главна цел е да обезбеди јавна одговорност при спроведувањето на програмите, законите и политиките.

Creating platform for inclusiveness and growth

Increasing the quality of life is necessity

The Association’s mission is to promote
and support democratic processes, to contribute to inclusive, fair and sustainable development through research, analysis and proposals of progressive
fair and gender-aware public policies respecting participatory
